How to bring change in a company


  • How to bring change in a company
  • Understand the needs depending on the context of the company, evidence-based approach
  • Communities of practice
  • Dealing with rejection
  • How to achieve organizational change
  • The tools of the guest


Understand the needs depending on the context of the company, an evidence-based approach

  • 4 Key Value Areas
  • High Current Value - slower with experiments (Example with Jira workflow for 18 teams, slow release - pain to update )
  • Low Current Value but high Unrealized Value - fast experiments (For example, frequent releases, client-driven)

Communities of practice

  • Communities of practice (CoP) are groups of people who share a passion for something that they know how to do and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better. (Etienne Wenger)
  • CoP as professional learning
  • Purposes of CoP
  • Types of CoP

Dealing with rejection

  • If life gives you lemons make lemonade (quote from Scrum Mastery: From Good to Great Servant Leadership by GEOFF. WATTS)
  • Example: Sales-driven product with no team to deliver (overselling impediment) - hierarchy
  • Tesla Anti-Handbook Handbook

How to achieve organizational change

  • Map of people and personal maps
  • Sharing one organizational win: Overall retro in LeSS - CTO feedback - gaining trust

Tool of the guest

The best situation puzzles with answers, riddles, stories with yes no questions

Retrospectives | Chris Stone - The Virtual Agile Coach

330 Icebreaker Questions to Try with your Team

Team Building Blog Articles »

Where to find us

Le couple PM/EM avec Daniel De Lophem